2022 Fall Cycle Infrastructure Grant Application
Wyoming Hunger Initiative has partnered with Lowe’s to increase the number of products and appliances that are available. Are you willing to travel for your item and/or are you willing to work with Wyoming Hunger Initiative to receive your items through Lowe’s, which will in turn stretch the number of dollars available for this grant cycle? (This portion of the process will happen post award if willing).
Please provide, as an attachment, a budget proposal for your requested equipment or project and how it correlates with your annual budget. Include in the budget a plan for if your request is not met through this grant; how will you accomplish your project goals? Please also provide information on matching funds or financial collaboration with other entities. Lastly, include more than one quote for equipment/infrastructure items that you wish to purchase. Grant requests showing matching funds and/or collaboration will be given priority over other grant applications.
2021 Organization Financial Statement (Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet)
Please provide your organization's Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet. Please do not submit tax returns.
Please provide no more than ONE additional piece of supporting information of your choice; this might be an image, a newsletter or program flyer, an audio file, etc. Select the appropriate button below for your information type.
Please Review
Please ensure that all information provided is correct, that you've uploaded a budget proposal, financial statement, and one type of additional supporting documentation. After everything is in order, prove your humanity and click that submit button!
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