Wyoming Hunger Initiative wants to ensure that all Wyoming families in need are able to enjoy a holiday meal, which is why we are proud to support Shop with a Cop programs in Wyoming. In the spirit of never reinventing the wheel, Wyoming Hunger Initiative joined forces with local Shop with a Cop programs around the state where local law enforcement agencies work with school districts to hand-select children to participate. Children are paired with a law enforcement officer to spend designated gift funds however they would like but more often than not, they spend their money on gifts for their parents, siblings, and other family members rather than on themselves.
Shop with a Cop programs have been taking place for quite some time but in 2020, as a thank you to all of the law enforcement personnel around the state who stepped up to assist with all of the mobile food pantries that took place to support families in need during the pandemic, Wyoming Hunger Initiative partnered with local programs to provide a Christmas meal basket for each participating child.
While law enforcement officers play a critical role in the criminal justice system, that is not their only role to play within the community. In fact, many local law enforcement agencies prioritize volunteerism, relationships, and community events. Shop with a Cop programs promote a positive first experience for children with members of the community who may otherwise hesitate to engage with police officers on a regular basis. It also allows children to become familiar with police and feel comfortable in their presence. It ultimately teaches children that police officers are individuals who have unique interests, goals, and families of their own and that they are there to help.
Since 2020, so many wonderful businesses and organizations have stepped up to support this program allowing for nearly $50,000 to be allocated annually to support Shop with a Cop meal baskets statewide.

Our Wyoming law enforcement agencies are true partners in the fight against food insecurity in Wyoming! Together, we can do so much more.
